• The project of Secondary Vocational School, Cintorínska 4,Nitra entitled EUROPE OF NEW OPPORTUNITIES brings new opportunities by opening wider European dimension and it also brings benefits for all stakeholders of the training practice abroad (Valencia, Spain) as well as school itself. Based on the Strategic plan of school development and the European development plan of organization, it contributes to the organization´s objectives. The project supports the development and implementation of strategies and human resources policies, which includes recruitment plans and career paths of staff, building and sourcing capabilities. The project is planned for two years which includes two mobility rounds of VET learners and staff. The planned number of participants /for each of 2 rounds/ is 12 VET learners and 2 members of staff as accompanying persons.
          The main objectives of the project EUROPE OF NEW OPPORTUNITIES are:
          1. Improve the training and education of pupils at school in the context of formal and informal education abroad.
          2. Ensure higher motivation of pupils to participate in the future (formal / informal) education or training after completion of the mobility period abroad.
          3. On the basis of the gained internship participants experience (VET learners and staff) innovate the curriculum of target subjects within the SEP to match the needs of the European labor market better.
          4. Give VET learners and staff better information about new technologies, methods and working practice, acquire the necessary know-how, thereby achieve better adaptability to needs of the European labor market.
          5. Ensure better competencies to students for communication in foreign languages, organizational skills, increase their self-confidence to improve their prospects of employment and entrepreneurship.
          6. Expand multicultural awareness, provide better information about the values of the EU as well as work in a multicultural environment and utilize their creative potential in practice and subsequent active participation in society, make contacts and start cooperation with partners abroad.
          7. Increase the credit of school in the region by participating in international projects aimed at training pupils, by promoting the project and disseminating experience to attract the school to more potential students, which is currently the main priority of vocational schools.

    • Kontakty

      • Stredná odborná škola techniky a služieb, Cintorínska 4, Nitra
      • sekretariát : 037/6528379 Ing. Dana Kročková,PhD. - riaditeľka školy: +421 902 545 828 Ing. Denisa Petráková - zástupkyňa riaditeľky : +421 902 257 212 Mgr. Oľga Pechová - zástupkyňa riaditeľky: +421 908 143 266 Mgr. Boris Lacsný,PhD. -zástupca riaditeľky:+421 905 471 845
      • Cintorínska 4 950 50 Nitra Slovakia
      • 00596868
      • 2021269525
      • Cabajská 30, Nitra 94901 č.t.: 037/7720575 / 0948555409
      • Baničova 14, Nitra - t.č. 037/7730542 Ďurčanského 2, Nitra - t.č. 037/7335721
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